Friendz & Family

This album contains (more than) a few of our favorite photos. 

Most ...well all...are photos of the people who make up our family. You'll probably recognize a face or two, an event or even a place. 

You've probably heard us talk about someone but had never met them. Well, now's  your chance to take a look at the photos of the people we love!

Hopefully the pictures will conjure a memory, a smile, joy and peace. We will be adding to this gallery as we receive pictures (HINT).

If you click on the first picture, a slideshow will open, click on the arrow when you are ready to view the next picture (no need to scroll down this page, just enjoy the slideshow that opens when you click on the first picture)!



©Copyright TobyDakota 2009, All Rights Reserved. All photos remain the property of the website owner and may not be duplicated without permission. Comments? Suggestions? Email us at: