Favorite Websites

Ever so often we stumble upon a really cool website. Our latest find is a website  that can sort of calculate anything. It's a search engine on steroids and does stuff that Google can't quite do (yet). Plug in your birthdate and it will give you all kinds of cool information. Want to know interesting details about a particular city? Just enter the city name. Need to know how many pints are in a gallon? Enter the word "gallon."  Need information about the chemical element carbon? Enter the word "carbon." Or maybe you need a little bit more information about that bowl of cocoa puffs you are enjoying...enter the words "cocoa puffs."  

Give it a try at: WolframAlpha.

The following are a few (a bunch) of our favorite websites. Browse a few, who knows...you might learn a thing or two about yourself or your neighbor or the world.

If you'd like to suggest a website or two, please feel free to send us a comment in the Contact TobyDakota sidebar.

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