

She was our first dog, and oh what a dog she was.

1992 - 2006

Who is that??

His name starts with an "O" and his hair is a little grayer. It's 1966, he's stylin' and is it a surprise he's sittin' by the phone? 

Welcome to TobyDakota!

Who or what is TobyDakota? Toby and Dakota are dogs, they are (and were) our children, our buddies. Most of all they were best friends. They loved each other unconditionally and looked to each other for support, love, happiness, protection, peace and joy.

Just like the real Toby & Dakota, we'd like to think WE are TobyDakota and YOU are TobyDakota.  Afterall, our relationship with each other and with you is built on a foundation of unconditional love, support, happiness, trust, respect, peace and joy. 

We should all be like Toby and Dakota...appreciating the simple things: a ball, a scratch behind the ears, a hug, a kiss, a roll in the grass, a snuggle, a ride in the car, a belly rub, a ray of sunshine.

This website was built to share our thoughts, memories, pictures and even a little information. We hope to keep TobyDakota  interesting and we hope you will send us your comments, suggestions and thoughts about what we can do to make the website better.

By the way, our website has a lot of stuff on it, be patient as it will take a little bit of time for some of the stuff to "load!" We think it's worth the wait.

Whether you've visited us before or are new to TobyDakota, we hope you enjoy your stay. We will be updating TobyDakota on a regular basis. So, come back as often as you'd like!


You will really enjoy TobyDakota if you have Firefox or Safari. Internet Explorer works just fine too. It would be swell if you have the latest versions of Quicktime and your browser installed on your computer.

©Copyright TobyDakota 2009, All Rights Reserved. All photos remain the property of the website owner and may not be duplicated without permission. Comments? Suggestions? Email us at: cmhorg@tobydakota.net